

c# Programming Glossary: n^2

Entity Framework initialization is SLOW — what can I do to bootstrap it faster?


is the one that needs some work. It's using an O n^2 algorithm when it probably doesn't have to but I haven't looked..

LINQ: How to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with maximum value


finds the maximum value on every iteration making it O n^2 The ordering solution is O n log n Taking the Max value and..

Check if list<t> contains any of another list


which internally uses a HashSet T so instead of O n^2 for the first approach the equivalent of two nested loops you..

How to read a singly linked list backwards?


then pop everything off yielding the results. To use O n^2 performance but O 1 extra memory read it forwards each time..

How to find the longest palindrome in a given string? [duplicate]


palindrome in a given string I know how to do this in O n^2 . But it seems like there exist a better solution. I've found..

1D Fast Convolution without FFT


How to find the Mode in Array C#?


way to solve this problem. It will have a run time of O n^2 much worse than the optimal O n . You can do it with LINQ by..